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St Dunstan's Purdy's Chocolate Fund Raiser is back! The parish is fundraising with Purdys Chocolatier, just in time for some early Easter gift shopping. We are aiming to raise $1000 dollars as a goal.

If you’d like to support us through purchasing some very sweet Easter gifts for friends, family and yourself, please click this link:

After you’ve signed in you can buy our amazing chocolates or invite others to join and support our Fundraising Campaign.

Deadline: all orders MUST be submitted by Sunday March 10th and will be available for March 24th 2024 onwards for pickup. 

Brochures will be in the Narthex but please don't hesitate to contact our parish rep via the office if you would like one delivered to you. 

Thank you so much!

We really appreciate all of the support you have shown previously and are excited to help you out again with your choclate needs this year!

Join Our Campaign!