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“The privileges I enjoy are not equally shared within Canada, as Indigenous peoples know well.” Photo: Meandering Images.

I am immersed in gratitude for so many privileges. ...Most things for which I am grateful are gifts. They have come to me because of where and when I was born. I did not choose them or earn them. Some came from my parents’ generation and others from the community around me, past and present, who work for the good of all.

I have taken advantage of the opportunities and gifts given, but I do not deserve them more than those who do not and cannot access them. ...The privileges I enjoy are not equally shared within Canada, as Indigenous peoples know well.

So what do I do with the grief? I need first to live with gratitude and not take my privileges for granted, expressing thankfulness to God and to all who contribute to the safety, health and well-being I enjoy. Then I must ask, “How may I contribute to offering the same to others? How will I use the resources I enjoy of health, wealth, education and voice to assist in the change needed so that all will have what they need?”

...Let’s open our eyes to see those who do not enjoy what we do and ask what needs to change. Let grief at the injustices around us energize our words and actions in the name of Christ!

Read Abp Linda Nicholls' article at