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St Dunstan's feast day is celebrated on 19 May.

London, British Library, Royal MS 10 A XIII/1, f.2v. A gorgeous 12th century author portrait of St Dunstan as a bishop, writing a commentary of the Rule of Saint Benedict, with an inscription 'S[an]c[tu]s Dunstanus'. He holds a quill pen in his right hand and a correcting knife - the equivalent of an eraser - in his left. Note the alternation of red and blue for contrast, on the written page and throughout the image. More about this manuscript and image here and here.

More about St Dunstan and manuscripts associated with him in an article by Andrew Dunning on the British Library's Medieval Manuscripts blog, here 

and an Anglo-Saxon hymn (probably 11th century, in Latin with modern English translation) to St Dunstan, on Eleanor Parker's Clerk of Oxford blog, here
