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extract: "...Our journey in reconciliation with Indigenous peoples continues, as we seek to decolonize the ways in which we have shared the gospel and denied recognition to the presence of the Creator in Indigenous communities and worship. We seek to listen and to work with Indigenous leaders and to fulfill the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Archbishop Mark MacDonald, Melanie Delva, Indigenous bishops and leaders in the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples are our companions. The hard work of dismantling our assumptions about privilege and continuing colonialism is ours to do as we also advocate with the government and hold it accountable for its promises.

"The Anglican Church of Canada is committed to dismantling: racism; acts of hatred; and culturally and religiously motivated hate, in all their forms. This includes Islamophobia, which is again on the rise. In January 2020, together with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, we signed on to A Common Word Between Us and You. This letter initiated ongoing dialogue between Christians and Muslims around the world through studying our shared scriptures, deepening relationships and seeking understanding. We start with respect for one another in our common humanity and in our relationship with God. This work breaks down misunderstandings, builds relationships that move us from strangers to friends and enriches us both. This is the work we must engage to counter the threads of hatred being woven by others..."

Read Abp Linda's whole article at MinistryMatters, here

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash