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February 22 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day—a day set aside by Canadians to bring particular attention to the issues of human trafficking and modern slavery in Canada and around the world. On this date in 2007, the Parliament of Canada voted unanimously to develop and implement a national anti-trafficking action plan.

This year, the Anglican Church of Canada designates February 21, 2021 as Freedom Sunday, an opportunity to learn about human trafficking and slavery in Canada today.

Freedom Sunday is a global movement of prayer, worship and action to address the crime of human trafficking. In particular, Freedom Sunday shines light on: the connections between human trafficking, labour exploitation, missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls; the day also raises awareness for the persistent, deliberate human rights violations and violent abuses against Indigenous Peoples. Globally, faith communities learn about human trafficking in their neighbourhoods and beyond; express compassion and solidarity with trafficked peoples through prayer, bible study and worship; and, make commitments to act.

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and Abp Linda Nicholls' article at