After a summer of beautiful weather, Sunday services have moved indoors. This is a welcome return to the church building, but there are changes, especially to how we move around the building. There are some differences from the recent outdoor services as well.

Jez's midweek video is an important introduction for how we will be using the church this autumn:

The services will be short, no more than 45 minutes, alternating a Service of the Word one Sunday with  Communion the next.

Registering in advance: still required for everyone attending, and more important as the maximum number permitted inside the church is smaller than for outdoor services. Please use the updated form here, also linked via the button below.

Numbers: with the required 2m distancing, the church can seat 41 individuals from a maximum of 17 separate bubbles, including the Rector and his family. The 16 seating positions in the church are for 2-3 people each, but those from different bubbles have to sit in different places.

Room occupancy: BC public health also requires us to post maximum space occupancy numbers in each area to help maintain distancing - obviously, the vestry will hold fewer people safely than the nave. The limit for the narthex is 4, and 2 for the ramp/vestry area.

Direction of travel: Everyone enters the church via the door at the rear of the narthex (except step-free access via the fire door on the north side), and exits via that fire door on the north side, nearest the pulpit.

  • Everyone enters the church by the front door, signs in at a table in the narthex, and enters the church by the door at the rear of the narthex. Spacing for lining up is marked out at 2 metre intervals in the narthex and the front porch – like at the supermarket. Hand sanitizer is ready for use.
  • Everyone is directed to a particular seat, in order - like cinema seating.
  • The heating is on, but doors or windows may be open for part of the time to improve ventilation.
  • The pew cushions have been removed – you may bring your own cushion and take it away with you.
  • It will be difficult to maintain distancing while going to and from the upstairs washroom during the service or otherwise moving around. We are not using the downstairs washrooms as they are in regular use by rental groups in the lower hall during the week.
  • Each washroom user must sanitize surfaces (i.e. clean the washroom) after use. Instructions, disinfectant spray and paper towels are ready in the washroom.
  • Congregational singing is not permitted.
  • We will not be sharing the Peace, Communion (yet), or post-service refreshments.
  • All who can are expected to wear masks/face coverings.
  • At the end of the service, Jez will direct exiting, by seating number, by the fire doors nearest the pulpit, in order to maintain distancing.

Moving around a familiar space with unfamiliar new requirements will take some practice. The main things to remember with social distancing are to take time and give space.

if you have comments, questions or concerns, especially if you have not attended a service at St Dunstan's before, please do contact Jez or Anna (